Asgrow-It's all about the beans.jpg


Working with a team of writers and art directors to create campaigns for the Bayer Crop Science endorsed seed brands – DEKALB, Asgrow and Deltapine (DAD Brands) as well as a multi-brand umbrella campaign that represents all three brands. Below are the brand spots that are flagships for the rest of the campaigns mediums including print, radio, experiential, digital display, email and landing pages.

Ben Bohling, Mike Maurer, Eric Tatham, Chris Smith, Ashley Conrad, Tyler Leiweke, Tammy Cheatham

Michael Kunde, Alex Igidbashian


Asgrow - It’s All About The Beans :30

Deltapine ’Round Here

Success Starts Here


DEKALB Asgrow Deltapine – Future Case Study

As the agricultural landscape continues to evolve, brands like DEKALB Asgrow and Deltapine must adapt to meet the changing needs of growers. Innovations in seed technology, sustainable practices, and digital tools are integral to ensuring that these brands remain relevant and competitive. By focusing on enhancing product performance, integrating precision agriculture solutions, and fostering strong relationships with their customer base, DEKALB Asgrow and Deltapine can position themselves as trusted partners in a rapidly shifting market. Emphasizing research-driven insights and responsive support will be essential for these brands to not only retain their existing grower base, but also attract the next generation of growers looking for solutions tailored to modern agricultural challenges.

This piece is a future view into where the brands could be taken over the next 10 years and to build excitement for the future of the DAD brands.

In collaboration with Jason Shipp, Chris Smith, Eric Tatham, Tyler Leiweke, Grant Guidry